Friday, October 9, 2009

Homer Simpson said it best - "Mmmm Burger ...."

Weekends are a constant struggle during dinner time. Coming home after a 10 hour day doesn't inspire the cook in me. However, since I L-O-V-E to eat and like my food to be unique - I try.

Try being the operative word. There have bit hits and definite misses. This one was spectacular!

Dinner: Veggie Masala Burger topped with Tomato Cilantro Chutney served on a Whole Grain Bun. Side salad - spring greens with crumbled Creamy Gouda, dried Cranberries, caramelized onions and mild Italian dressing.

Traders Joe's for the win on this one! Masala burgers are available year round for prices cheaper than Morningstar, Gardenburger and other such brands. The creamy gouda, cranberries, salad greens and tomatoes came from here as well.

The true inspiration for this burger was the Tomato Cilantro Chutney. Warning: Large amounts of garlic ahead! It's no secret - I adore garlic. This chutney was simple.

6 cloves of garlic diced - tossed in barely warmed EVOO (extra virgin olive oil).
Left sizzling in pan for 3-4 mins to enhance sweetness.
Followed by diced plum tomatoes - 1/2 cup. Cooked till all liquid evaporated.
Salt, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lime juice.
Turn the heat off and toss in a handful of chopped cilantro and let it wilt in the pan.
Add on top of burger when ready to eat. It beats mayo, cheese and other fattening additives any day!!!

Here's how this looked!

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